Avoid Flat Spots & Dry Rotting with Vehicle Storage Tips that Go the Extra Mile

vehicle in storage with Mini Mall Storage

Mini Mall Storage is here to rev up your vehicle storage game with top-notch tips that focus on the well-being of your tires. Whether you’re stowing away your ride for the winter or need extra space in your garage, it’s essential to tread wisely. Our Step-by-Step Guide laid the foundation for vehicle storage, but this time, we’re taking a deep dive into tire care while your car takes a little break. So, fasten your seatbelt and let’s get started on this tire-focused storage journey. 

flat tire from improperly stored vehicle

Preventing Flat Spots

Don’t let tire flat spots put the brakes on your vehicle storage plans. Here’s how to keep your tires, you know…round…while your vehicle is parked. 

Monitor Tire Pressure
Proper tire inflation is essential for ensuring even wear, whether your car is parked or on the road. Check the tire pressure before you put your car in storage, then keep an eye on it to ensure it remains stable. Properly inflated tires are firmer and better able to maintain their structural integrity, so less likely to get those pesky flat spots. 

Rotate Regularly
Tires develop flat spots when left in the same position for a prolonged period. Rotating your tires now and then will help distribute the weight more evenly and ensure each tire experiences a variety of pressures and positions, reducing the risk of flat spots forming. 

Use Jack Stands
If you won’t be around to monitor pressure or rotate tires, then you’re definitely going to want to consider lifting your car up on jack stands to relieve all pressure on the tires. By elevating the vehicle, the weight of the car is distributed evenly across the suspension system instead of sitting on the tires, so you don’t have to worry about monitoring the condition of your tires or about flat spots developing. 

Mini Mall Storage drive up storage units

Preventing Dry Rot

Protecting your tires from dry rotting really comes down to one thing… minimizing environmental exposure. That means keeping them out of the sun and protecting them from temperature and moisture fluctuations. Here are a few tips to help you keep dry rot at bay: 

Clean and Protect
Before you store your car, clean the tires with some soap and water to remove dirt, grime, and environmental contaminants that might contribute to deterioration. After cleaning, apply a bit of tire protectant specifically formulated to nourish and moisturize the rubber. But watch out for products containing petroleum or silicone because they can actually accelerate rubber degradation over time. 

Store Indoors if Possible
Store your vehicle indoors in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated environment. Indoor storage, especially climate-controlled storage, helps protect tires from exposure to harsh weather conditions, including extreme temperatures, humidity, and fluctuating weather patterns, which can accelerate dry rot. 

Shield from UV Rays
Exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) rays can speed up the aging process of tires, leading to dry rot and deterioration of rubber compounds. If you have no choice but to store your vehicle outdoors, use tire bags or a vehicle cover specifically designed to protect tires from UV rays.

By using these tire-focused tips, you can prevent flat spots and dry rotting from ruining your tires while your car is in storage. When it’s time to hit the road again, you’ll be back in action with no performance issues slowing you down. With affordable prices, flexible lease terms, and various options across North America, Mini Mall Storage has an indoor or outdoor vehicle storage unit that’ll fit your needs and budget. Contact us today to find a rental location near you.

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